Wednesday 24 August 2016


Three lawmakers Hon Suleiman yahaya kwande member representing jos North /bassa federal constituency, Hon yusuf GAGDI deputy speaker plateau state House of assembly, and Hon Ibrahim baba Hassan member representing jos North North constituency, have jointly engaged the services of some foreign experts on drugs abuse victims rehabilitation,  and a Nigeria based N.G.O Global peace & and life rescue initiative (GOPRI) to sensitize and Rehabilitate some victims of drug abuse and other social vices in jos North local government area of plateau state .This they said is due to the negative effects drug abuse is having in the state and if not urgently check may render the youths unproductive and complete nuisance to the society. Deputy speaker of plateau state House of Assembly Hon yusuf Gagdi who made the statement in his office yesterday on behalf of the  lawmakers when he received  the Executive Director of GOPRI Melvin Ejeh and his team promise to do everything possible within the law to eradicate or  bring  to the lowest minimum the level of drugs abuse and other negative vices perpetrated by some youths in the state, in his words we love the youths so much that  we cannot fold our hands and watch then become junkies and useless in the society, youths are the engine room of Any sound society,  Hence we will do our very best to commence this important program. Earlier the Executive Director of the Global peace & life rescue initiative said they were in the office to inform the Lawmaker of the date of the program and to also thank him and his colleagues for making their constituents their first Priority.

Monday 23 May 2016


A federal lawmaker Hon Suleiman yahaya kwande member representing Bassa /jos North in the federal house of representative has condemn in the strongest terms the alarming abuse of illicit drugs and  substance abuse among the youths and young girls in plateau state and Nigeria at large,  he noted that the trend has killed so many youths and left others on the streets and rehabilitation centres across the state, this is not healthy for the state and the Nation at large. The youths are the leaders of today and the back bone of our dear nation if we allow our youths to go this unproductive way while we look the other way as leaders,  we may have to contend  with serious life threatening problem in the nearest future, hence I will do everything legally and humanly possible to immediately flag off the anti drugs and social vices campaign in my constituency which is a partnership project between my office, some international experts on drugs and crime prevention/rehabilitation and some N.G.O's  within the coming days. Hon Suleiman made this statement when he received the Executive council of Global peace & life rescue initiative (GOPRI) led by the programme Director Dr Hashidu Daura over the weekend in jos. Earlier Leader of the delegation Dr daura stated that they were in the house of the lawmaker  on behalf  of the Executive Director of   GOPRI  Mr Melvin Ejeh to thank the Federal lawmaker for his  pragmatic and timely step in the right to initiative this campaign which will  include foreign experts that will provide lasting and practical solution towards the eradication or drastic reduction of the impact of drugs and substance abuse from his constituency and the state at large, and  promised to dedicate  all their time to this  importance project.

Friday 22 April 2016


A non governmental organisation know as Global peace and life rescue initiative(GOPRI) has commended Hon Suleiman yahaya kwande member representing Bassa/ jos North of plateau state in the federal house of representative, for his effective and most peaceful approach to  issues and urge him to remain steadfast and consistent in his quest to promote peace at all time since there's no alternative to peace .   GOPRI   Executive  Director  Mr Melvin Ejeh made the disclosure in jos after he led his team to bassa local government on crisis impact / trauma assessment in the affected communities during the last communal conflict that engulfed some part of the local government and jos South . Mr Ejeh in his words stated that we are very impress with the testimonies of most of the victims we interacted with in the affected communities on the role of  Hon.  Suleiman yahaya kwande who we were told led other stakeholders to play  during and after the crisis,  this in no doubt brought the crisis to a quick  end and also alleviated their sufferings,   we are happy as this is the sure way to lead. Peace have no alternative as it's the pinnacle of any meaningful development and existing hence it's pertinent for  all individual and public officer to put peace and harmonious coexistence first like the Hon Member demonstrated in his constituency. This  character is rare among our typical politicians who really don't care about what happen to the electorate once they are elected ,  that's why we  must strongly commend him  for have taken such an uncommon steps by  personally leading  peace meetings and donated relief materials worth over several millions of naira to the affected communities .
While we call on the warring communities to shed their swords and continue to leave in peace,  we  urge the lawmaker to remain steadfast and focus despite any distraction. 
We further call on other lawmakers to emulate this rare quality of good leadership.

Friday 11 March 2016


The Executive Director of Global peace and life rescue initiative (GOPRI), Mr Melvin Ejeh  has described as reckless,  insensitive and unprofessional a statement credited  to the Inspector General of police Mr Solomon Arase,  in Minna Niger state over the Agatu  massacre,  and called on the him to stop  playing  politics with human lives. He stated this in ugbokpo Apa Local government area of Benue State on Saturday,    12 /3 /2016  while reacting to a statement in some national and local media which quoted Mr Arase as saying the Agatu massacre was exaggerated because the people killed in the attack were not taken to any police station nor did he  see  any corpse,   In his words,  Mr Ejeh condermn the statement   in the strongest terms and wonder why an IGP who have built  a very strong and professional name will just rub his name on the mud just for favour from some quarter? This act is unprofessional,  reckless and insensitive and must be condemned  by all well  meaning Nigeria'ns.  we are very disappointed for someone who did not visit  the scene of the attack till date to  arrived at such a grave conclusion,   How can our most respected Arase descend this low?  Was he expecting that those who were running for  their dear lives to carry each person killed to the police station  before burying then,  where and how is that possible? Or  was Mr Arase expecting to see a mass grave or decomposed  Agatu corpse in Makurdi where he visited?. Or the fact that it took four whole days of the attack  before security were deployed not enough for the terrorists to do whatever they want with the people they killed?, The statement is most unfortunate,  unprofessional,  insensitive especially now that  investigation on the matter  is still  on going in several local and international agencies.   As a matter of fact we in the civil society group   who visited the scene and interacted with some direct victims  strongly feel that the death toll in Agatu massacre is  far beyond the 300  being reported by media,  but since the IGP have a contrary opinion ,  we urge him to as a matter of urgency give us the exact death figure,  and also give us the real reason why he refused to arrest the terrorists who confessed before him in makurdi at a stake holders meeting that they killed Agatu people because there 10,000 cattle where killed in Agatu. While we the await the response from the IGP on the exact death figure
 we humbly urge him to remain professional.

Friday 4 March 2016


A Non governmental organisation know as Global peace and life rescue initiative (GOPRI) has vowed to take the Executive Governor of Benue State  Dr Samuel ortom and the Federal government of Nigeria to the international criminal court in Hague over the their role in the Agatu massacre. Executive Director of the organisation Mr Melvin Ejeh stated  this in Obagaji Agatu local government yesterday after returning from some of the affected villages,  he decried the high level of destruction of lives and properties in the villages and call for an urgent actions against the terrorists and their sponsors. He wonder why  a sitting governor who swore to  protect the people will stood so low by playing partisan politics with human lives? What explanation can governor ortom give  for not condemning the terrorists attacks or brief the presidency  until after four days of consistent attacks on the innocent villagers?, Was it because he was already aware and  party to the attacks? or was it because he wanted the terrorists to finish the entire Agatu local government? This is unacceptable and highly  irresponsible and should be seen as such. We cannot fold our hands and watch innocent people being killed using States  collaboration in the name of hatred for the idoma race.  We will act accordingly to forestall further occurrence. In his direct words Mr Ejeh while briefing news men in Obagaji condemned the wanton destruction of lives and properties, and the  deliberate inaction of both Federal and Benue State government,  as you can see Iam just coming out from some of the villages destroyed by this terrorists I can't even access most  of the  villages because they are still being occupy by the terrorists under the helpless eyes of the security agencies, all the the villages we managed to access is completely sacked,  there's no trace of human being living  there for now, and as I speak to you now Akwu village is their logistics base and no body can ordinarily go beyond Akwu at this moment and yet  government is claiming to have liberated the entire villages just to score political points.  What kind of country are we?, This act of playing politics with human lives must stop. The information's gathered from  some of  scenes and eye witnesses we spoke to suggest that if the governor  had acted promptly and responsibly to the situation as the chief security officer of the state this catastrophic destruction would have been avoided or largely minimise ,  instead he was busy playing politics.  However Iam please to inform you  ladies and gentlemen of the press that  we have collected more than sufficient evidence,  in pictures, voice recording of meetings, videos, and D.V.R which clearly suggests  a grand conspiracy between the Fulani terrorists and some major state actors against the the Agatu people, and will brief our team of lawyers  as soon as we  get to our base, and will  hire more senior advocates of Nigeria to file this case  of conspired genocide in  icc  Hague without delay.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Gen Dambazau Stop the Fulani attacks On Nigerians Now

By Sylva Nze Ifedigbo
I will assume sir, that you’ve been briefed by your people about the very sad occurrence last week in Agatu LGA of Benue State. I am assuming because there was no sign that you were aware well over forty-eight hours after the community was attacked and sacked by rampaging Fulani herdsmen.  Like your principal who was at the time seeking spiritual interventions for the problems of Nigeria in Mecca and inundating us with pictures every step of the way, there was no official statement of any kind from your office which is most unfortunate.
As a well-read individual and a retired army general, one will expect that you appreciate the importance of prompt communication in crisis situations. It is therefore very baffling that over 200 Nigerian lives (some say 300, it depends on who you are reading) can be lost within the country and your office does not deem it fit to make a statement, even if just to acknowledge said event and reassure the rest of the citizenry on what steps are being taken to stem the killings and rehabilitate the displaced.
That said, one must note that the killings in Agatu came barely a week after similar events happened a little further South in Abi community of Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area of Enugu State. These are just two of the most recent occurrences of these dastardly assaults on Nigerian citizens which have indeed become a reoccurring event in parts of the middle belt and southern Nigeria extending to the South West and Eastern heartlands. To put it more succinctly, we are witnessing a silent genocide and government seem to be pretending that it is not happening. The question is, are we going to allow this to continue? Are we throwing our hands up in surrender? Are we saying we cannot solve the problem of Fulani herdsmen in this day and age? Are we inadvertently giving the impression that the herdsmen are immune to the law?
Providing answers to the above questions is the reason you have a job, sir. Suffices to state here that it is high time we as a people, tackled the Fulani herdsmen issue head-on with the sincerity and sense of duty that it deserves. Our country cannot survive these cycles of barbarity. A group of people no matter the grievance cannot continue to operate outside of the law and take lives whenever it pleases them and without any consequences whatsoever.
There is no mystery around the bone of contention here. No need to setup fact-finding committees as governments is quick to. The report of many committees of times past has never been implemented anyway. So we don’t need new ones. The issue is simply that of grazing cattle and the destruction of farms crops in villages along the path of the nomads. You might wish to note that the strategy of papering the cracks in which government hurriedly convenes a meeting of actors on both sides at the end of which you declare that ‘peace’ has been negotiated and television cameras roll away has not helped anyone. As long as desertification continues, and the Fulani herdsman has to go deeper south to get green pasture for his cattle, these clashes will continue if we do not do something intelligent about it.
Mention has been made for grazing reservoirs, for the definition (and demarcation) of grazing routes, for the domestication of the Fulani herdsmen, for working with them to go from nomadic animal husbandry to a structured farm style husbandry. But mention must now also be made of finding out the source of the sophisticated weapons these herdsmen bear, the need for proper surveillance of communities and the creation of a robust internal security architecture that is not reactionary but able to predict crises and nip it in the bud. This again is the reason why we pay you handsomely.
Failure to deliver on these will among other things mean your tenure as Internal security Czar was a failure and that those that died in Agatu and Abi and many other communities before them, died in vain. Remember, they too are Nigerians and share fully in the commonwealth which guarantees you round the clock security protection. They deserve better. The protection of their lives and properties is sacrosanct. It is enshrined in the constitution as their right and we cannot continue to fail them so.
Honourable minister, we have glossed over his Fulani herdsmen issue for too long and it is becoming as much an embarrassment as it is an indictment on us all Nigerians especially those of us who live in the relative peace of cities and semi-urban areas far from the killing theaters.  The conspiracy of silence has run its course. It is time for use to do something. We look up to you and your team to provide leadership in this area.

Monday 29 February 2016


Wednesday 24 February 2016


AGATU MASACRE: Idoma people want State Government to exonerate itself

By Yemi Itodo

Reactions have continued to trill the recent destructions of lives and properties of Agatu natives by suspected Fulani Herdsmen in Benue State.

From the responses gathered by our Correspondents in Otukpo who visited some parts of Agatu yesterday, the song on everyone's lips was the aleged complicity of the Ortom led state government in the recent turn of attacks.

Mr. Adakole Onmeje, a native of Obagaji stated categorically that "the new militias are more sophisticated and more coordinated than the traditional herdsmen who were only used to local weapons ".

The use of speed boat and helicopter to supply food items and amunitions also further buttress the point of Mr. Adakole.

A source at Okokolo who pleaded anonymity revealed that "the latest attacks started shortly after Gov. Ortom had a meeting with his Nasarawa state counterpart, Almakura in a closed door session".

The source further claimed that , "the decision of the state government to play a deaf ear to the yearnings of the Agatu people is not unconnected to the interest of the state government in what is happening in Agatu".

Meanwhile, Mr. Melvin Ejeh, Executive Director of Global Peace and Life Rescue Initiative, a Non Governmental Organisation commited to rescuing lives and rendering services to humanity, has condemned in totality, the continous attacks on Agatu people and the total neglect by the State and Federal Government.

According to Mr. Ejeh, the long silence of the government is evident enough that there are more to the name 'Fulani Herdsmen'. He argued that the story going round is not good for the state government and there should be need for Gov. Ortom to speak out and also come to the rescue of the people, whom he took oath to protect.

Mr. Ejeh also wants the Member representing Apa/Agatu at the House of Representatives, Adamu Entonu to come out of his comfort zone and issue press statements as well as drawing the attention of his colleagues at the green chambers and the Presidency to the plight of his people.

Our source in Makurdi has also revealed that a closed door meeting was held on Tuesday at the instance of Chief Godwin Onah, the Ad'Agatu where decision was reached on the need for the government to come to the rescue of the people.

In a telephone chat with DayBreak Managing Editor Wednesday morning, tbe Member representing Agatu State Constituency, Hon. Sule Audu condemned the recent attacks on Akwu, Aila and Okokolo communities of Agatu. He also called on President Muhammed Buhari,  Governor Samuel Ortom and the Military and security authorities to as a matter of urgency, come to the rescue of the poor masses in Agatu.

All efforts made by the Editor of DayBreak Times in reaching the Media Aides to Gov. Ortom proved abortive.

Agatu, one of the 5 LGAs in Idoma land that pulled bloc votes for the PDP in Saturday's rerun election, came under severe attacks immediately the election result was announced on Sunday.

The troops came in through the Loko river axis of Nasarawa on life boat in an encounter that saw the death of 200 people on Sunday in Akwu village.

The militias also reinforced and attacked Aila and Okokolo villages on Tuesday, taking over the affected areas while a helicopter was busy suppling more amunitions and food items to the Marauders.

As at the time of filing this report, those villagers who narrowly espaped death are currently taking refuge in neighboring communities while the militias take over Okokolo without any reprisal from the security agents.


By Ed Onmata Emmanuel
Mr. President,
With a heavy heart, I write you this SOS letter. It’s obvious that you are the only person who could stop the ongoing nonsensical killing of Agatu and Tiv people by insurgents who use Fulani herdsmen as cannon folder.
I write this because I know you as an upright man who rode on honesty and rule of law to power. You demonstrated this in your inaugural speech where you assured Nigerians of your impartial leadership by saying, “I am for everybody; I am for nobody.” This means, though a Fulani man birth, you will never permit injustices perpetrated by arsonists posing as your tribesmen against the poor and helpless Nigerians including Tiv and Agatu people in Benue State. As a result, your timely intervention in the perennial killing of these hapless people will further correct the ills.
I am not unaware of the debate on Federal Grazing Reserve clandestinely going on in Nigeria. We are equally aware that those who will be dispossessed of their fertile land are the poor and voiceless ones. This, the entire Agatu people in Agatu Local Government Area and some Tiv people at the riverside of Gwer West Local Government Area, fall squarely in place. But land acquisition by genocide is an atrocity not only against humanity but God. To this end, the world rises up against this kind of condemnable act. As a man of humane characteristic, please rise against this mindless killing, which started a couple of years ago.
It all started during the past administration alongside Boko Haram insurgency. They came in the guise of Fulani herdsmen and attacked some of the villages in Agatu and Gwer West Local Government Areas of Benue State. That time they claimed that their action was a reprisal for cattle rustling. After their first and second successful campaigns, they continued until all the Agatu riverine villages and towns were overthrown due to massive killing and burning down of houses. The whole of Agatu was shocked because these were not the herdsmen that had stayed peacefully with them over the years. Moreover, the insurgents are palpable strangers who were never known to have grazed anywhere in Agatu land.
As I’m writing this SOS, without any cause whatsoever, they have started attacking the central Agatu towns and villages closer to the Council Headquarters. In fact, between Monday, 22/02/2016 and Tuesday 23/02/2016, no fewer than 200 people were murdered in cold blood just in two villages, Okokolo and Akuh Agatu. While Okokolo was overthrown on Monday, Akuh was taken on Tuesday.
Mr. President, the impunity with which they attack, the kind of weapons used and the confidence that no law enforcement agent is capable of fighting them, gives the clear indication that these are not the herdsmen we knew. Their invasions, which usually start in the wee hours of the day always record a massive death of men, women and children. Unfortunately, whenever they are attacking the people, no law enforcement agent come to the rescue even when they are called upon. Frankly speaking, this is casting dust on the sincerity of the state government’s amnesty program as well as the peace talk between the farmers and the insurgents masquerading as herdsmen.
We all know that these fighters are not herdsmen but Boko Haram insurgents who want to forcefully create a caliphate by taking over the entire Agatu Local Government and part of Gwer West since their attempt in the North-east has become a mission impossible. This is totally unacceptable in a civilized age as ours, and it’s against the UN charter, which Nigeria is a member.
Mr. President, it’s obvious that God brought you to deliver Nigeria and Nigerians from any form of oppression. Consequently, He will not be happy if you look on until Agatu and some Tiv people are completely dispossessed of their lands. I stress this, Mr. President because every local and state leaders, as well as security agents, have failed Agatu and Gwer West people. Their eyes are only on you. Please come to their rescue before Agatu local government is wiped out from Nigerian map.
May God bless you as you give hope to the hopeless.

Monday 22 February 2016

Young Nollywood actor(The Cobweb), Olamide David is dead

David, who played the lead role in Foluke Daramola’s movie, Cobweb, died few hours ago.

Although, the real cause of his sudden death is yet to be ascertained at the time of filing this report, Foluke has described his demise as untimely.

Saturday 20 February 2016


A non governmental organization known as global peace and life rescue initiative (GOPRI)   has condemn in the strongest terms the renewed barbaric and unwarranted attacks by suspected terrorist  in Benue state. Executive Director of the organization Mr Melvin Ejeh made this statement when he paid a fact finding visit to Okokolo and abugbe village in agatu local government area of the state on Friday 19th he  decried the high level of destruction of life and properties without any form of provocation, and  urges the security agencies to rise up to their  constitutional responsibilities of protecting lives and properties, by always deploying new modus operandi. In his words  Mr Ejeh  who spoke in emotion laden voice while condoling members  of the communities over attacks described as an assault to the National security the spate of on challenge terrorists attacks going on in  the area and the state at large, is agatu local not under Nigeria again? why are they being killed at will? he ask, he called for calm and vigilance and  assured  the communities that efforts of all  stake holders are already on  to permanently put the attack to an end.   While he passionately appeal to President Mohammed  buhari to immediately set up special military task force in benue state that will be saddle with the responsibility of securing all the communities from terrorist attack, before the entire state result to self help,  he further called  on Nema to supply relief materials to the affected communities to alleviate their sufferings.

Friday 19 February 2016


Three days ago I was in Buruku local government area to see for myself the level of carnage been perpetrated by this terrorists and blood suckers who walks freely on our soil under the guise of herdsmen and I was told that they repeatedly said the Tiv people must go back to Congo where they migrated from.
History has it that all the tribes that occupy the Niger territory are said to have migrated from one end or the other but today we are here as one Nigeria and as such no individual or group of people can claim to be more Nigerian than the others. All of us are one.
Here I most repeat this, that the Fulani herders we know and have lived with us time immemorial are our friends and brothers, they are here with their families and amazingly they understand as well as speak the Tiv language fluently.
The ones we know nothing about are these terrorists who have occupy our most cherished God given possession, our lands, they bear sophisticated weapons day and night. These terrorists are repugnant to the very fiber of our existence as a law abiding people.
We want the law enforcement agencies and the international community to know that our people are under severe attacks by terrorists, this if not promptly arrested will spell doom for the entire of Nigeria due to the strategic position of Tivland. Indeed we cannot share our land with terrorists, never, not as long as we live.
These terrorists have consistently and comfortably deflowered our girls through rape, murdered the strength of our people, the youths, they suck the bloods of our women and children on daily basis. They drive our people hungry while leaving our economic base in shambles.
How long are we going to continue in silence? Together we can speak against this menace, using all available means of communications. A Tiv man from Mbatiav and the one from Masev shares the same blood, the one from Shitile and Nongov also share the same blood, the one from Ihyarev and Kunav also, all of us are one. Injustice or injury to one is to all.
I want all of us as a people with a common destiny to understand that these terrorists do not ask for political party identity or affiliation before one is murdered which behoves on us all to unite and pay more attention on defending our common identity as Tiv people.
With the last drop of blood in my vain i reject the occupation of terrorists on our land and it is a decision that all of us must take else the essence of our existed is at the verge of extinction.
Through peaceful means we shall continue in this struggle.

Sunday 7 February 2016


On Saturday, Senator Baba Kaka Bashir Garbai lamented that Boko Haram insurgents are still present in more than 20 Local Governments Areas (LGAs) of Borno State.  Only 3 LGA Are Safe  from boko haram In Borno State. Senator Baba Kaka Bashir Garbai made this disclosure to journalists during a condolence visit to Dalori and Mairi  villages where more than 85 civilians were reported killed last week by Boko Haram. He explained that his visit was not just to sympathize with the communities and distribute relief materials, but assure then that the Federal Government is fully behind the people of Borno State. “These people are in serious pain, they've lost their relations and their means of livelihood have been burnt down by terrorists. "There is an assumption that most of the local governments in Borno are recaptured from the Boko Haram. In reality this is not true in the real sense. “Apart from Maiduguri Metropolis, Kwaya Kusar and Bayo these are the three LGAs that are safe," Senator Garbai stated. These areas, according to the senator, are only safe due to the strong military and police presence which maintains “law and order”. Senator Garbai went on to lament that areas such as Mobbar, Kala Balge, and Abbadam LGAs are 100 percent occupied by the insurgents. In addition, there are several areas that are partially under the thumb of Boko Haram, according to the senator. “I would like to use this opportunity to appeal to the military to intensify their effort in ensuring they increase security around the villages and communities that share borders with Maiduguri city. “People are migrating to Maiduguri en mass as a result fear they may be under attack to tonight or very soon,” Senator Garbai implored.